StellarNet Medidor de capas finas, bajo coste

Referencia STE-ThinFilm

Sistemas preconfigurados basados en espectrómetros compactos con entrada en fibra óptica para aplicaciones de medida y análisis de capas finas (thin films)

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
Solicitud de producto: StellarNet Medidor de capas finas, bajo costeX

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StellarNet Medidor de capas finas, bajo coste


Sistemas preconfigurados basados en espectrómetro compacto portátil con entrada en fibra óptica para aplicaciones de medida y análisis espectral de capas finas (thin films)


STE-TF-VIS400-1000 nm?2 nm150A - 20umHalogen SL1
STE-TF-C-UVIS190-850 nm?2 nm50A - 20umDeuterium SL3
STE-TF-C-UVIS-SR220-1100 nm?2.5 nm50A - 20umSL1-F + SL3
STE-TF-NIT900-1700 nm?5 nm1000A - 200umHalogen SL1
STE-TF-VIS-NIT400-1700 nm?2 nm, 5nm ?1000150A - 200umHalogen SL1
STE-TF-C-UVIS-SRN200-1700 nm?2 nm, 5nm ?100050A - 200umSL1 + SL3


Especificaciones básicas:


Precision 0.1Å or 0.01% (greater of) Standard deviationof 100 thickness reading of 100nm SiO2/Si calibration sample
Accuracy 0.2% or 10A (greater of) Filmstack dependent
Stability 0.2A or 0.02% (greater of) 2 sigma over 20 days (100 measurements daily) on 100nm/Si calibration sample
Spot size3 mm standard, optional down to 3 µm  
Sample size from 1 mm  
Computer OS TFC Software designed for 32-bit OS Upgrades available



ThinFilm Software Measures Multilayer Film Structures

ThinFilm measurement system features:
  • Real-time Spectral Capture and Instrument control
  • for Reflectance and/or Transmittance
  • Includes Large Library of Materials Data
  • Supports multilayer, freestanding, rough, and both
  • thick and thin layer structures
  • New materials can be easily added by measuring
  • corresponding sample or importing data from file
  • Supports Parameterized materials : Cauchy, Sellmeir, EMA
  • (effective-medium approximation), Harmonic
  • oscillator, Tauc-Lorentz oscillator, Drude-Lorentz

The Thickness and optical constants (n and k) can be measured quickly and easily using reflectance and/or transmittance spectroscopy. Fiberoptic compact spectrometers are a fast and cost effective solution. The measurement and analysis of the data provides results in seconds. USB connectivity and powerful user-friendly software make daily complex measurements quick and simple.

TFC software includes large library of materials data that enables measurement of the wide range of layer structures: multilayer, freestanding, rough, thick and thin layer structures are supported. New materials can be added easily by measuring corresponding sample or importing data from the text file.

The measurement process consists of two steps: data acquisition and data analysis. TFCompanion defines all the process in a measurement recipe and makes it transparent to the user. At the same time the user has the ability to store measured data and analyze it later.

TFCompanion supports Parameterized materials e.g. Cauchy, Sellmeir, EMA (effective-medium approximation), Harmonic oscillator, Tauc-Lorentz oscillator, Drude-Lorentz and many more approximations. These approximations represent optical dispersion of materials in desired spectral range using few coefficients that can be adjusted. For example, oxides are frequently represented using Cauchy and glasses using Sellmeir approximation, amorphous materials (e.g. SiNx, aSi) can be represented using Tauc-Lorentz and phasemixed materials (e.g. poly-Si) using EMA approximation.

Measurements are made using: reflectance/transmittance spectroscopy which measures the optical response of the layer structure. The user creates an optical model of the layer structure and uses data analysis to determine physical properties: the results are inferred from the best fit of measured and modeled data. TFCompanion provides many options to easily analyze simple and most complex filmstacks: graded layers, periodic structures, very thick films, films on thin substrates, multi-sample measurements, etc. Simulation and error-estimator tools allow user better understand data and the expected precision.

During in-situ, in-line or other long running measurements conditions like surface roughness, ambient light, etc. maybe changing. TFCompanion supports roughness and scaling correction that allows factoring in these effects.



Espectroscopía fotónica aplicada: medida y análisis espectral económico, bajo coste


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