Polarization Switch - PolaSwitch™ Ver más grande

Polarization Switch - PolaSwitch™

Referencia GPC-PSW-002

GPCs’ all solid-state polarization switch can quickly and repeatably rotate the SOP of incoming light by a fixed angle, either 45 or 90 degrees. Both single mode and PM fiber pigtailed versions are available.

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
Solicitud de producto: Polarization Switch - PolaSwitch™X

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Polarization Switch - PolaSwitch™

With the PM option, the device functions as a TE to TM converter, switching the SOP between being aligned with the slow and fast axes of the PM fiber, or between the slow axis and 45 degrees from the slow axis. With the SM option, the device simply rotates the polarization ellipse either 45 or 90 degrees.

Features Polarization Switch:

  • Fast
  • No moving parts
  • Low insertion loss
  • Compact

Applications PolaSwitch™:

  • Polarization diversified detectors and sensors
  • Polarization sensitive OCT
  • Polarization metrology
  • Polarization sensitive OTDR or OFDR
  • PMD monitoring

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