Lasy 633 - Stabilized & Tunable Diode Laser Ver más grande

Lasy 633 - Stabilized & Tunable Diode Laser

Referencia TEM-Lasy-633

Lasy 633 easily replaces conventional He-Ne lasers, e.g. in phase shifting interferometers.

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
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HeNe replacement: tunable diode laser 633nm


Lasy 633* is an extremely stable, tunable diode laser at a wavelength of 633nm. It contains an absolute frequency (wavelength) reference based on Iodine absorption spectroscopy, ensuring a stability of 50 MHz (66 fm) under all conditions for the life time of the laser. It can therefore directly replace a stabilized Helium-Neon laser in many applications. Unlike the He-Ne, Lasy 633 is tunable over 300 GHz (0.4 nm). This opens up a variety of new methods of measurement. As an example, a phase shift interferometer can accomplish the phase shifting by adequate steps of the laser frequency, rather than by a movement of a reference plane. The frequency tuning is highly linear and exactly reproducible thanks to patented iScan® technology, involving a tiny interferometer as frequency reference.



- >10 mW open beam

- >2 mW fiber coupled

Lasy 633 is coupled to a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber. Active stabilization ensures maximum fiber coupling efficiency for life time. Alternatively, the active fiber-coupling can stabilize the optical output power to a user-selectable value and thus operate as a power stabilizer.

Lasy 633 is self-contained and needs nothing but a 5V DC power supply for operation. If necessary, the user can control all relevant parameters remotely via a USB interface.

Lasy 633 comes in a closed desktop case or as a plug-in module for a 19” industrial standard rack case.


  • phase shifting interferometry
  • distance interferometry
  • spectroscopy
  • Raman sensing

* The number 633 refers to the wavelength of 633nm. Other wavelengths are available on request.

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