Faraday Rotator Mirror Ver más grande

Faraday Rotator Mirror

Referencia GPC-FRM / NFRM

The Faraday rotator mirror is a fiber optic polarization rotation mirror designed for fiber optic networks and measurement applications. The state of polarization (SOP) of the reflected light is rotated 90 degrees from that of the input light.

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
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Faraday Rotator Mirror

A unique property of Faraday rotator mirrors is that at any point along the fiber, the SOPs of the forward going and reflected light are always orthogonal to each other, regardless of the birefringence of the fiber. Therefore, when properly used, the device can help to eliminate polarization sensitivity in optical fiber systems.


  • Compact size
  • Low insertion loss
  • High stability
  • Rugged design
  • NoTail™ model available


  • Polarization sensitivity elimination in:
  • Fiber interferometers & sensors
  • Fiber laser systems
  • Brillouin amplifiers
  • Fiber optic antenna remoting systems
  • Fiber optic modules

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