Laser 2000 ofrece una amplia variedad de soluciones de ensayo para cumplir con los retos diarios en laboratorio, producción, y desarrollo. Aquí podrá encontrar una selección de las soluciones que ofrece Laser2000, tales como microscopios para la inspección de la correcta limpieza de los conectores, interferómetros, soluciones de ensayo RL/IL, controladores y analizadores de polarización, e interruptores ópticos. Estas soluciones están disponibles tanto como sistema modular para una mayor flexibilidad y extensibilidad, como en forma de elementos individuales.
The MPC-203 is a special version of GPCs’ Multifunction Polarization Controller which can reach extremely high rates of polarization change. It combines PolaRite™ II/III polarization controller with proprietary polarization control algorithms to achieve a wide range of polarization control functionalities.
GPCs’ 2nd generation all fiber phase shifter/modulator provides phase shifts up to 65π with a much lower half-wave voltage (~2 volts as compared with 10-20 volts for the 1st generation phase shifter) at frequencies from DC to 20 kHz
The FPS-003 all fiber phase shifter/modulator combines a wide modulation bandwidth (up to 60 kHz) with low half-wave voltages to create a long-range device that can be driven by standard function generators.
The smart temperature chamber STC-101 enables the characterization of the temperature-dependent behavior of fiber optic components and other compact components. Accurate control of temperature, temperature distribution and temporal temperature history allows demanding applications such as the measurement of the Shupe effect in the fiber coils of a fiber...
General Photonics fixed differential group delay (DGD) artifacts eliminate the need for precise measurement of PM fiber lengths to add defined amounts of first order PMD to a system.
Polarization Dependent Loss Source/Emulator- PDLPro
The POD-101D is a DSP (digital signal processor) powered in-line polarimeter specially designed for high-speed polarization analysis and monitoring.
The POL in-line polarizer consists of a high-ER micro-polarizer in a stainless steel cylinder.
The polarization stabilizers maintain stable output states of polarization (SOP) against rapid input SOP fluctuations, compensating for an input polarization discontinuity in as fast as 5 ms, or tracking without resets against
The Polarization Synthesizer PSY-201 generates and maintains any state of polarization (SOP), regardless of the input SOP.
The PXA-1000 Distributed Polarization Crosstalk (X-Talk) Analyzer is an enhanced white light interferometer that measures space-resolved stress by analyzing stress-induced polarization cross-coupling along a length of polarization maintaining (PM) fiber.