Tecnología de Redes Hay 18 productos.

El portafolio de tecnologías de red ofrecidas por Laser 2000 incluye un amplio abanico de soluciones para aplicaciones industriales y de telecomunicaciones, necesarias para el diseño y operación óptimas de una red de transmisión de fibra óptica. Nuestro portafolio de producto para infraestructuras de red está dividido en dos secciones, para componentes activos y pasivos, así como tecnologías de transmisión y de seguridad de red.

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  • GigaLight has three product lines, the optical active transceiver, passive components and optical connectivity products.

  • General Photonics’ pigtailed circulator are compact, high performance light-wave components that separate signals traveling in opposite directions along fibers.

  • The VDL-002 is a miniaturized variable optical delay line designed specifically for OEM applications. With a delay range of up to 250 ps, this device is a superior replacement for the variable RF phase shifters inadequately adapted from the RF/wireless field for fiber optic communications.

  • The ERM-202 is a dual channel polarization extinction ratio (PER) meter specifically designed to simultaneously measure the PER and power ratio of a device with two polarization maintaining (PM) outputs, such as a Y-branch fiber gyro IOC, PM coupler (PMC), or polarization beam splitter (PBS), as well as evaluate the performance (output DOP) of depolarizers.

  • General Photonics’ motorized variable optical delay line provides low cost, precision optical path length adjustment and delay scanning functionality. This addition to the MDL product line is specifically designed for OEM applications that require continuous scanning capability and a small footprint.

  • PolaWise system from General Photonics

  • PMDProT is a breakthrough PMD source that can deterministically generate precise 1st order PMD up to 180 ps and 2nd order PMD up to 8100 ps2.

  • Inline Polarisator zum Verbessern des Extinktionsverhältnisses in der Faser

  • The Faraday rotator mirror is a fiber optic polarization rotation mirror designed for fiber optic networks and measurement applications. The state of polarization (SOP) of the reflected light is rotated 90 degrees from that of the input light.

  • General Photonics’ fixed differential group delay (DGD) artifacts eliminate the need for precise measurement of PM fiber lengths to add defined amounts of first order PMD to a system.

  • Polarization Dependent Loss Source/Emulator- PDLPro™

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