La tecnología de medición óptica se utiliza para visualizar y evaluar la radiación óptica con ayuda de componentes y dispositivos especiales. La luz puede medirse directamente o utilizarse como fuente de excitación para realizar mediciones, como por ejemplo en espectroscopía RAMAN o en espectroscopía NIR. Al permitir una medición rápida y sin contacto, estos sistemas son ideales para realizar mediciones directas en proceso (PAT) y mediciones en operaciones de laboratorio. Junto con sistemas completos y soluciones a medida, Laser 2000 también ofrece componentes individuales.
Otro campo en el área de las tecnologías de medición óptica es el relacionado con soluciones de ensayo para afrontar retos en los entornos de telecomunicaciones. Las aplicaciones para mediciones en este campo tecnológico incluyen medidas de nivel óptico, OTDRs, OFDR, WDM, inspección de las superficies de los extremos de conectores mediante microscopios, y análisis de errores de bit y protocolos en sistemas de transmisión, en entornos xDSL, Ethernet, SDH, o OTN. Para realizar medidas en laboratorio, ofrecemos soluciones como interferómetros, soluciones para ensayos RL/IL, controladores y analizadores de polarización, e interruptores ópticos.
The PDL multimeter PolaChex simultaneously measures the Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL), Insertion Loss (IL), and optical power of a device under test (DUT) in just 30 ms.
The DOP-201 measures and displays the Degree of Polarization (DOP) of a light source in real time with high accuracy and wide dynamic range.
The OIS-1000, also known as the Acute Detection for Advanced Materials (ADAM™) system, is a high speed, high resolution 3D optical non-destructive evaluation (NDE) system for the inspection of advanced materials.
The TLS-101 is a compact tunable laser source for daily test and measurement applications.
Speckle patterns from a multimode fiber can cause problems in many applications that require uniform, stable light distributions at the fiber output. The MMS-201 multimode scrambler, is specially designed to solve this problem.
The MPC-203 is a special version of GPCs’ Multifunction Polarization Controller which can reach extremely high rates of polarization change. It combines PolaRite™ II/III polarization controller with proprietary polarization control algorithms to achieve a wide range of polarization control functionalities.
GPCs’ 2nd generation all fiber phase shifter/modulator provides phase shifts up to 65π with a much lower half-wave voltage (~2 volts as compared with 10-20 volts for the 1st generation phase shifter) at frequencies from DC to 20 kHz
The FPS-003 all fiber phase shifter/modulator combines a wide modulation bandwidth (up to 60 kHz) with low half-wave voltages to create a long-range device that can be driven by standard function generators.
The smart temperature chamber STC-101 enables the characterization of the temperature-dependent behavior of fiber optic components and other compact components. Accurate control of temperature, temperature distribution and temporal temperature history allows demanding applications such as the measurement of the Shupe effect in the fiber coils of a fiber...
General Photonics fixed differential group delay (DGD) artifacts eliminate the need for precise measurement of PM fiber lengths to add defined amounts of first order PMD to a system.
Polarization Dependent Loss Source/Emulator- PDLPro
The POD-101D is a DSP (digital signal processor) powered in-line polarimeter specially designed for high-speed polarization analysis and monitoring.