Continuous improvement as a corporate objective

We focus on our customers in all that we think and do. The contents of the Laser 2000 Quality Policy are communicated to all employees. Laser 2000 strives for continuous optimization and improvement of internal and external organizational structures and processes. The aim is to avoid errors and to carry out our work in keeping with the latest state of the art. This is complemented and reinforced by our internal information structures and the continuous, systematic training of all employees.
The guiding principles of the Laser 2000 Quality Policy
- Quality ensures the company’s economic success and sustainability.
- We focus on our customers in everything that we think and do.
- Our integrated management system ensures that important potential for improvement is identified in all areas and adapted to the continuous improvement process.
- We regularly evaluate our management system and review our work to achieve our goals
- Our employees continuously participate in internal and external training courses to ensure the quality of our company. This in turn ensures that we are always up to date with the latest technology.
- We want to treat our customers, partners, and competitors fairly and transparently.
- Environmental protection as well as resource conservation and preservation are part of our daily activities.
- We evaluate our suppliers on a regular basis to ensure that they have the same high quality standards as we do.
- If faults or faults occur, these are recorded and analyzed systematically according to their causes in order to prevent future deficiencies.

We have an AEO certificate and are thus an 'authorized economic operator'.
Eligible economic stakeholders are particularly reliable and trustworthy partners in international goods management. They can handle customs formalities more efficiently and thereby avoid time-consuming inspections during customs clearance.
The aim of AEO certification is to secure and effectively protect international supply chains from the manufacturer of a product through to the final consumer.
Extensive conditions must be met in order to obtain the certificate, including taking into account applicable legal and safety regulations, reliability, and solvency.
This is a service that makes partnership with our customers and suppliers much easier.
You can see the certificate here .