All electronic components of a transmission system, some of which can be programmed, form the active components of a said system. These include components such as individual diodes for transmission and reception, integrated transceivers, and optical amplifiers.
Simultaneously detecting the powers of two orthogonal polarization components is important for many sensor and measurement applications. A pigtailed polarization beam splitter coupled with two photodetectors can be used for such applications; however, this arrangement is bulky, troublesome to handle, and costly.
The MZI-001 is a fiber pigtailed compact Mach-Zehnder interferometer, based on freespace optics, for detecting changes in optical frequency. The device comes with two fast photodetectors for the balanced detection of the two complementary outputs of the interferometer.
GPCs’ 2nd generation all fiber phase shifter/modulator provides phase shifts up to 65π with a much lower half-wave voltage (~2 volts as compared with 10-20 volts for the 1st generation phase shifter) at frequencies from DC to 20 kHz
The FPS-003 all fiber phase shifter/modulator combines a wide modulation bandwidth (up to 60 kHz) with low half-wave voltages to create a long-range device that can be driven by standard function generators.