The comprehensive Laser 2000 laser safety portfolio makes it possible to work safely with lasers. The company provides a wide range of laser safety seminars and products. Combined with in-depth counseling, this ensures that laser applications are safeguarded according to the applicable EU laser safety standards.
Laser accidents involving class 3R and higher lasers may cause serious injury and damage. For this reason, some very extensive precautions are required, which the operator of a laser system has to take into account. In addition, the number of laser applications is steadily increasing, which is why the associated safety is also becoming more and more important. Laser 2000 offers a comprehensive portfolio of necessary measures and solutions to meet these requirements.
Quick-Finder for laser adjustment glasses
Laser 2000 a le plaisir de vous proposer notre nouveau Catalogue Sécurité Laser. Il vous permet de voir en détail tous nos produits dans le domaine de la sécurité laser.
Ideal for laser machines, cabins, laboratories and industry.
Laser blinds and laser protective visors are designed as passive protection systems to prevent the leakage of laser beams.
Distintos accesorios y componentes de los sistemas de bloqueo de seguridad láser (interlock).
The audio alert system is a speaker with up to 40 seconds long automatic text message that is combined with the interlock control systems.
Laser Safety Window - Failsafe safety system that enables high powered lasers to be switched off virtually immediately if the laser beam inadvertently strikes the window.
Cost effective, certified laser blocking curtains for low and medium powered lasers
We would like to invite you to our Seminar on the New Edition of IEC 60825-1 Laser Product Safety Standard in Munich.
The Lasermet laser protective curtains are suitable for all laser and wavelength and thus provide the necessary level of protection in the field of variable laser safety curtains.
For the laser class 3B and above the use of an interlock system for the protection of doors and entrances and for the control of traffic lights and circuits is imperative.