The development of new laser sources and the optimization of already established lasers are two of the main tasks in the field of photonics. The number of applications in which lasers are used as light sources is increasing at a correspondingly high rate.
Lasers play an important role in many applications today, from the fields of measurement and biotechnology to material processing. Accordingly, there is demand for lasers with various different wavelengths, power ratings, sizes, shapes, and so on. Laser 2000 offers a wide range of different laser light sources for industrial and scientific applications.
Lasers are selected by wavelength, power rating, whether they operate in pulsed or cw mode, and other criteria.
Moduladores acusto ópticos
Deflectores acusto ópticos
Lasy 633 easily replaces conventional He-Ne lasers, e.g. in phase shifting interferometers.
Fuente de mercurio y argón. Gracias a sus definidas líneas de emisión entre 253 y 1014 nanómetros es ideal y para calibraciones, siendo además muy económica. Con salida de fibra óptica SMA
Fijadores de modos (mode-lockers) acusto ópticos
Desplazdores de frecuencia (frequency shifters) acusto ópticos
Láser de terahercios (THz) de la máxima fiabilidad, alta potencia y válido para todo tipo de aplicaciones